Residential mortgages are a type of mortgage agreement used in financing the purchase of a residential property, or a loan that is executed using a piece of residential property as the collateral. Mortgages of this type are often used to either purchase a home or to obtain resources that are in turn used to make improvements to the property. Mortgages are available to anyone looking to purchase a property.

The amount and repayment arrangement however, will depend on the criteria set out by the lender.

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If you’re looking to purchase a property (whether it is your current residence or a new property) for the first time, you would be considered as a First Time Buyer. Mortgages available to First Time Buyers will depend on several factors such as income, savings, etc.


Many borrowers in today’s market make the choice to switch their mortgage every few years in order to take advantage of newer or cheaper rates that are on offer. Those who choose to remain on the same deal for the full duration of their loan risk the possibility of losing out on a range of potential benefits, along with the opportunity to reduce monthly payments or the total amount paid back, which could mount up to a significant amount in some cases. So simply put, remortgaging involves the exchange of your current mortgage to a new deal. This can be arranged with your current lender or with a new lender.


A self-employed mortgage is a mortgage for borrowers who work for themselves i.e freelancers and contractors. Types of mortgages that to those who are self-employed are Offset Mortgages and Flexible Mortgages.


Many borrowers in today’s market make the choice to switch their mortgage every few years in order to take advantage of newer or cheaper rates that are on offer. Those who choose to remain on the same deal for the full duration of their loan risk the possibility of losing out on a range of potential benefits, along with the opportunity to reduce monthly payments or the total amount paid back, which could mount up to a significant amount in some cases. So simply put, remortgaging involves the exchange of your current mortgage to a new deal. This can be arranged with your current lender or with a new lender.


This type of mortgage allows you to ‘offset’ your savings against the amount you owe on your mortgage. This can reduce the overall amount of interest you pay as part of your mortgage.


Expat Mortgages are available for those who are living abroad seeking to purchase a property in the UK.


This type of mortgage is available to borrowers seeking to purchase a property abroad.


Non-resident mortgages are available for individuals living outside the UK who want to purchase a UK property. Mortgage lenders attach a higher risk factor to these transactions by virtue of the borrower living outside the UK.


This type of mortgage is available for individuals who currently earn £250,000 or more, who have assets worth more than 1 million or are looking to borrow £500,000 or more to purchase a property.


High street lenders often lack the underwriting expertise to offer million pound mortgages without considerable paperwork and delay, so finding the right one for your individual requirements can be daunting. Founded in 1999, Private Finance is an independent mortgage broker that has strong relationships with the key UK lenders, including private banks and specialist lenders who do not have a high-street presence. We arrange bespoke million pound mortgage solutions for our clients, providing a tailored advisory service, delivered face-to-face or via telephone and email, depending on your preference.